Reproductive health and male infertility expert crowned ESA Life Member
By Hudson Institute communications
Internationally renowned male reproductive health expert Professor Rob McLachlan AM has been awarded Life Membership of the Endocrine Society of Australia (ESA).

Prof McLachlan, Director of Andrology Services at Hudson Institute and Monash Health, is now a life member of two of Australia’s premier reproductive health organisations – the ESA and Fertility Society of Australia (FSA). This significant achievement places him alongside two other Hudson Institute alumni to have secured the same honour – Professor Henry Burger AO and Professor Bryan Hudson AO, whom the institute is named after. Prof Burger and Prof Hudson were directors of Prince Henry’s Institute, the earlier iteration of Hudson Institute.
“I am extremely humbled by the ESA’s recognition and feel in illustrious company, with my mentor Prof Burger and Prof Hudson, who have also been awarded life memberships with both the ESA and FSA,” Professor McLachlan said.
“This is testament to the very important work of fertility and endocrinology experts, both at Hudson Institute and also in Melbourne more broadly, and the life-changing impact of their research – making families’ dreams come true by helping them to have children.”
Prof McLachlan joined Prince Henry’s Institute, now Hudson Institute of Medical Research, in 1983. He is Consultant Endocrinologist at Monash Medical Centre, Consultant Andrologist to Monash IVF, and Director of Healthy Male (Andrology Australia)– a Federal Government initiative committed to research, and community and professional education, in male reproductive health.
Prof McLachlan has a strong track record of basic, clinical and translational research into male contraception, androgen physiology and male infertility, including its genetics and its management by assisted reproduction. His research program has been supported by continuous NHMRC funding for the past 25 years and through other peer reviewed and industry-funded sources.
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