Dr Jacki Heraud-Farlow is a member of the RNA Biology and Innate Immune Sensing Research group in the Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases.

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Jacki Heraud-Farlow

Research group

RNA Biology and Innate Immune Sensing


Dr Heraud-Farlow’s research is focused on understanding the molecular pathways that underlie rare autoinflammatory disease. Her goal is to harness this knowledge to develop new therapeutics for diseases with an immune or inflammatory component, including viral infection, cancer and autoinflammatory/autoimmune disease.

Dr Heraud-Farlow leads a small team within the RNA biology and innate immune sensing lab. She is an RNA biologist by training and uses animal and cellular models coupled with cutting edge techniques to understand the immune response to RNA, how this goes awry in disease and how this can be targeted for therapy. She has received more than $2.5M in funding as CIA from NHMRC and philanthropic bodies.


Awards and fellowships


Publication highlights