Endocrine hypertension

Checking blood pressure

Endocrine hypertension

Endocrine hypertension refers to high blood pressure (hypertension) caused by the abnormal production of hormones. 

The most common form of endocrine hypertension is primary aldosteronism (PA), also known as Conn syndrome.  In primary aldosteronism, the adrenal glands, which sit on top of each kidney, produce too much aldosterone (a hormone that retains salt in the body). This can lead to excess salt and fluid retention and increased blood pressure. It also increases the risk of heart arrhythmia, heart attack and stroke more than ordinary forms of hypertension.

Primary aldosteronism affects five to 10 per cent of those with hypertension but often goes undiagnosed. It is treatable with medication and/or surgery, depending on the cause.

Our primary aldosteronism research

Dr Jun Yang discusses her research in primary aldosteronism, a common, potentially curable but often neglected form of high blood pressure. Dr Jun Yang raises awareness about primary aldosteronism and how a single blood test could change the course of peoples lives, and even lead to a cure.

High blood pressure and primary aldosteronism explained

Caused by a hormone imbalance, primary aldosteronism is often undiagnosed or given incorrect treatment. Hudson Institute research teams are working to improve the diagnosis and treatment of this serious but potentially curable disease and related conditions.

Dr Jun Yang explains more about her research on high blood pressure and primary aldosteronism with Dr Norman Swan on the ABC Health Report.

VIEW VIDEO | Dr Jun Yang discusses primary aldosteronism

Our primary aldosteronism research projects

Seeking non-invasive ways to detect hormone-induced high blood pressure

Dr Jimmy Shen from the Endocrine Hypertension Research Group at Hudson InstituteDiagnosis. High blood pressure may be caused by an overactive adrenal gland that produces too much aldosterone – a hormone which controls salt balance. If only one adrenal gland is involved, treatment can involve the surgical removal of this gland. Investigation on whether one or both adrenal glands are affected currently requires an invasive blood test. Dr Jimmy Shen and Hudson Institute’s team together with Dr Ian Jong, Monash Health are exploring whether non-invasive scans can be used as an alternative to the invasive blood test.


Team | Dr Jimmy Shen, Professor Peter Fuller AM, Peta Nutall, Associate Professor Jun Yang

Hunting a potentially curable cause of high blood pressure

Advocating for the timely diagnosis of primary aldosteronism


Signs and symptoms of primary aldosteronism

Causes of primary aldosteronism

Diagnosis of primary aldosteronism

Treatment of primary aldosteronism

Long term effects of primary aldosteronism

Endocrine hypertension collaborators

Support for people with endocrine hypertension

Hudson Institute scientists cannot provide medical advice.
Find out more about endocrine hypertension.

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