
  • Dr Robert Galinsky, Research Group Head, Perinatal Inflammation and Neurophysiology at Hudson Institute

    How magnesium sulphate benefits preterm babies

    Being born too soon exposes babies to many dangerous health conditions, and researchers are tackling one of them by finding out how magnesium sulphate can protect the health of the preterm brain.…  Read more

  • 2023 Harold Mitchell Travel Fellowships

    Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023 Harold Mitchell Travel Fellowships, provided by the Harold Mitchell Foundation to give young scientists much-needed opportunities for to expand their horizons.…  Read more

  • Dr Andrew Stephens, Dr Maree Bilandzic, Adjunct Associate Professor Rebecca Lim at Hudson Institute

    CUREator funds Hudson Institute biotech innovation

    Exciting new treatments for unmet medical needs including ovarian cancer have been awarded significant funding from Australia’s national biotechnology incubator, CUREator.…  Read more

  • Professor Ron Firestein and Dr Jason Cain

    Victorian government funds paediatric cancer research

    The future of children with cancer is brighter today, with the announcement of significant funding from the Victorian government for paediatric cancer research.…  Read more

  • Associate Professor Daniel Gough, Research Group Head, STAT Cancer Biology at Hudson Institute

    New treatment promises to increase lung cancer survival

    Researchers at Hudson Institute of Medical Research have shown a new drug that is incredibly effective in treating small cell lung cancer – doubling the usual survival time.…  Read more

  • RSV 2023 – what you need to know

    Last year respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in infants and children shot up, causing record numbers of hospitalisations.  Respiratory virus expert, Associate Professor Michelle Tate share’s what you need to know about RSV in 2023.…  Read more

  • Professor Elizabeth Hartland

    Hudson News Winter 2023

    Director’s message: For children with cancer, change starts here. Childhood cancer is rare but devastating and new treatment options are desperately needed. In the last four decades the US Food and Drug Authority (FDA) has approved 500 drugs for adult cancers but just 12 to treat childhood cancers.…  Read more

  • Luca Boggia rare brain tumor survivor playing in a park and laughing

    Surviving childhood cancer – Luca’s story

    It’s hard to imagine four words more frightening to a parent than “Your child has cancer”. Amid the fear and panic such a sentence creates, three-year-old Luca’s parents, Monique and Baden, had little choice but to trust in the best that medical science could offer.…  Read more

  • Associate Professor Jun Yang and clinical trial patient David

    Tackling hypertension at the source

    It was a simple suggestion that led Associate Professor Jun Yang to begin studying primary aldosteronism (PA), but when she discovered both her parents had the condition, she knew she was onto something.…  Read more

  • Dr Jason Cain in his lab with supporter Mrs Ann Lorden and her granddaughter, Ella, an osteosarcoma survivor

    Giving while living to help cancer research – the Lorden family story

    Some families are blessed to live lives free from the scourge of cancer … and then there are families like the Lordens. Four members of Ann Lorden’s family have endured their own battles with the dreaded disease – for a start, both Ann and her daughter are breast cancer survivors.…  Read more

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