
  • Dr Jaclyn Pearson has been announced as one of Australia’s newest Superstars of STEM.

    Rock star scientist announced as a Superstar of STEM

    A microbial mastermind and rock star scientist from Hudson Institute has today been announced as one of Australia’s newest Superstars of STEM.…  Read more

  • Professor Paul Hertzog leads an international team researching further into finding a source of the body's protection against STIs.

    Finding the source of the body’s protection against STIs

    The body’s first line of defence against infection is now better understood, with researchers at Hudson Institute identifying a source of the immune system’s protection against STIs (sexually transmitted infections).…  Read more

  • Dr Tamara Yawno trials anti-seizure drug in newborns giving new hope for treating neonatal seizures.

    New hope for treating neonatal seizures

    Trials of an anti-seizure drug in newborns are showing great promise, giving researchers new hope for treating neonatal seizures and preventing their devastating consequences.…  Read more

  • Dr Jaclyn Pearson wins Equity Trustees – Viertel Senior Medical Research Fellowship

    Beating antimicrobial resistance

    A leader in the fight against one of the world’s most urgent medical problems, beating antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been granted $1.375 million over five years from a local philanthropist to progress her work.…  Read more

  • Dr Catherine Carmichael and Dr Claire Sun from Cancer for Cancer Research at Hudson Institute win sought-after Victorian Cancer Agency Fellowships.

    Pioneering work attracts VCA cancer fellowships

    Two Hudson Institute researchers at different stages of their careers have won sought-after Victorian Cancer Agency (VCA) Fellowships. Blood cancer specialist Dr Catherine Carmichael received the VCA Mid-Career Research Fellowship for her research into Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML), while Dr Claire Sun was awarded the VCA Early Career Research Fellowship to further her search for…  Read more

  • Professor Elizabeth Hartland

    Hudson News Summer 2022

    This is the time of year when we look back at what we have achieved and acknowledge the people who helped us make it happen. …  Read more

  • Suzana tells her story on the safe arrival of baby Max and praises Hudson Institute researchers keeping preterm babies healthy.

    Special delivery – keeping preterm babies healthy

    When baby Max arrived – early and in a hurry – no-one realised he would play a vital part in keeping other preterm babies healthy in the future.…  Read more

  • Dr Stacey Ellery's personal and professional worlds collide as she researchers further into whether taking creatine during pregnancy improves a healthier outcome for conceiving and delivering a healthy baby.

    Creatine during pregnancy – a scientist’s story

    There are times when a researcher’s personal and professional worlds collide. One of those times came late last year for Dr Stacey Ellery, who researches the use of creating during pregnancy.…  Read more

  • Professor Suzanne Miller's research aims at detecting and treating newborn brain injury in time to make a difference to their lives.

    Finding and treating newborn brain injury

    The long-term effects of newborn brain injuries are well known, so Professor Suzanne Miller’s dream is to be able to detect and treat those injuries in time to make a difference.…  Read more

  • Dr Doug Blank, Professor Graeme Polglase, Professor Stuart Hooper prove that delayed cord clamping for newborn babies can make a difference to their lives.

    Trial shows delayed cord clamping difference

    Small changes can sometimes have big impacts – just ask Drs Doug Blank and Shiraz Badurdeen. Their clinical trial of delayed cord clamping proved that a simple change to the way newborn babies are handled can make a huge difference to their lives.…  Read more

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