
  • Dr Lindsay Zhou and researchers at Hudson Institute have reviewed all current research into umbilical cord blood stem cells treatment, which offers hope to premature babies.

    Treatment hope for premature babies

    A treatment offering hope to parents of very premature babies is showing great promise, in the first worldwide stocktake of research into umbilical cord blood stem cells.…  Read more

  • Associate Professor Rebecca Lim, Cell Therapy Researcher, Hudson Institute of Medical Research

    Chronic lung disease treatment hits speed bump

    A promising avenue of research into chronic lung disease treatment has hit a speed bump, with new research showing that 3D manufacturing mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may not be the panacea that was hoped.…  Read more

  • Patient Concetta Vasille diagnosed with pancreatic cancer thanks her doctors, Dr Daniel Croagh and Dr Joanne Lundy at Hudson Institute for saving her life.

    Never stop asking – hope for pancreatic cancer patients

    Pancreatic cancer is predicted to be the second leading cause of cancer-related death by 2030. While other cancer survival rates are improving, pancreatic cancer has been virtually unchanged for four decades.…  Read more

  • Professor Caroline Gargett Dr Caitlin Filby and endometriosis patient Nicole Fernley at Hudson Institute

    Helping women with endometriosis

    Some scientific discoveries have the power to prevent years of pain and suffering. Professor Caroline Gargett and her team are within reach of making that dream a reality for millions of women.…  Read more

  • Associate Professor Michelle Tate from the Viral Immunity and Immunopathology Research Group at Hudson Institute

    Flu season 2022 – what you need to know

    After two years of unusually low influenza infections due to social distancing, flu season 2022 is shaping up as a bad one for Australia. Influenza expert, Associate Professor Michelle Tate, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about flu and what we can expect in Australia this winter.…  Read more

  • Hudson Institute researchers, Dr Kallyanashis Paul and Dr Shayanti Mukherjee, developing a new cell therapy treatment for pelvic organ prolapse.

    Pelvic organ prolapse prevention and cure

    They say prevention is better than cure, but when it comes to pelvic organ prolapse, the specialists at Hudson Institute of Medical Research are taking them equally seriously.…  Read more

  • Dr Jun Yang and her father Lisheng Yang at Hudson Institute

    Finding a cause of high blood pressure

    After watching her father struggle with hypertension (high blood pressure) for decades, endocrinologist Dr Jun Yang found he had a hormonal condition called primary aldosteronism (PA).…  Read more

  • Scientist, Dr Sam Forster discovers a bacteria that causes weight loss and intestinal inflammation in the microbiome of mice used to study IBD.

    IBD causing bacteria discovered in mice

    Bacteria that cause weight loss and intestinal inflammation have been identified in the microbiome of mice used to study Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).…  Read more

  • Congratulations to the awardees of our 2022 Harold Mitchell Travel Fellowships, Bryan Williams Traineeship Award and Hudson Institute Travel Awards

    2022 Harold Mitchell Travel Fellowships

    Congratulations to the 2022 recipients of the Harold Mitchell Travel Fellowships, to the Bryan Williams Traineeship Award, and Hudson Institute Travel Awards.…  Read more

  • Professor Brendan Jenkins discovers the role of the immune system in causing and preventing cancer.

    Filling the gaps in immune system cancer research

    New light has been shone on the role of specific protein components of the immune system in both causing and preventing cancer.…  Read more

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