Popular searches: Influenza, Childhood cancer, Endometriosis, Inflammation
Lachy’s story: hope against Stage IV neuroblastoma
At 18 months, Lachy developed fevers, vomiting and general tiredness. Doctors thought it was a daycare virus and he would get over it. Lachy had an 11 cm tumour in his abdomen and was diagnosed with Stage IV neuroblastoma, which had spread to his bone marrow.… Read more
Born preterm: Baby Jack’s story
During his first two months, little Jack endured several setbacks, including having to be put on a ventilator when seizures prevented his breathing.… Read more
International project exploring sex differences in disease
Men and women are different. There is sex bias in disease prevalence, susceptibility, and severity. Response to drugs is also different.… Read more
Identifying keys to preventing cerebral palsy in premature babies
An anti-inflammatory drug that’s been widely used for decades may prove to be an ideal tool to help doctors prevent cerebral palsy in preterm babies.… Read more
Hudson Institute specialist guiding Victoria’s RNA future
Hudson Institute’s expertise in established and emerging fields of medical research has been recognised, with Research Group Head Dr Minni (Minna-Liisa) Änkö added to mRNA Victoria’s Scientific Advisory Group (SAG).… Read more
Inner Wheel Australia Foundation Trust success
Hudson Institute is proud to receive a Cord Blood Research Grant from Inner Wheel Australia, to help advance our exciting investigation of the uses of cord blood stem cells to prevent and treat brain injury in babies.… Read more
Cerebral Palsy | Meet the young Melbourne medical researchers making a difference
It’s the most common of all physical disabilities, affecting one in 500 Australians and more than 17 million people worldwide, but there is still so much to learn about Cerebral Palsy. … Read more
Stomach cancer culprit is in the immune system
A study on how genes of the immune system influence the development of gastric (stomach) cancer has identified a key contributor, offering the potential for better prognosis and treatment of this deadly disease.… Read more
Big benefits in detection and treatment of pancreatic cancer
Researchers looking into one of the deadliest forms of cancer have made a big breakthrough by drilling down to the molecular level.… Read more
Male infertility – identifying a key to sperm survival
A new discovery about a major cause of male infertility could have significant impacts for millions of men worldwide.… Read more