
  • Holly Ung, from Prof Marcel Nold and Ass. Prof Claudia Nold’s Research Group, is taking part in a 12-week research internship in Germany.

    Building connections with German researchers

    An award from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Advanced Molecular Imaging is helping a PhD student drive the future of Australian science and innovation. Holly Ung, from Professor Marcel Nold and Associate Professor Claudia Nold’s Research Group, is taking part in a 12-week research internship in Germany at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy…  Read more

  • Tim Moss - Researchers presented findings of a study at the Cerebral Palsy Intensive Therapies Summit Friday, 22 March 2019.

    Mobility improvement results presented at cerebral palsy summit

    Researchers presented the findings of a consumer-led pilot study of intensive physical therapy for children living with cerebral palsy at the Cerebral Palsy Intensive Therapies Summit held in the Mornington Peninsula on Friday, 22 March. The preliminary study, using a Therasuit (a soft, supportive suit worn during intensive physical therapy) arose from Associate Professor Tim…  Read more

  • Associate Professor Rebecca Lim from the Amnion Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute

    Contribution to human health top-ranked

    Associate Professor Rebecca Lim is now formally among the top scientists in Australia after being ranked the highest applicant in the industry category for the 2018 National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Career Development Fellowship Scheme. The award is given to the highest ranked applicant in the biomedical, clinical, industry and population health pillars…  Read more

  • Morag Young - sleep patterns and poor heart health are related.

    Sleep patterns may contribute to poor heart health

    While most of us know a good night’s sleep is important for our health, a new study has pinpointed why it also could be crucial for maintaining a healthy heart. A study by Dr Morag Young, and students Elizabeth Fletcher and Monica Kanki, shows how changes in our heart’s circadian clock, as might occur with…  Read more

  • Dr Simon Chu from the Hormone Cancer Therapeutics Research Group at Hudson Institute

    One-two punch could knock out rare ovarian cancer

    A double-barrelled, non-surgical method to treat a rare type of ovarian cancer may provide hope for many patients.…  Read more

  • Sam Forster and Gemma D'Adamo and Tam holding up petri dishes conducting research at Hudson Institute

    More than 100 new gut bacteria discovered in human microbiome

    Scientists working on the gut microbiome have discovered and isolated more than 100 completely new species of bacteria from healthy people’s intestines.…  Read more

  • Monash University's Dr Nicole Kellow and Hudson Institute's Dr Jemma Evans won a collaborative grant.

    Collaborative grants awarded after speed-networking

    Two grants of $10,000 each were awarded to Dr Jemma Evans and Dr Nicole Kellow (SCS; Nutrition, Dietetics and Food); and Dr Courtney McDonald and Dr Shu Wen Wen (SCS; Centre for Inflammatory Diseases). Organised by Hudson Institute and School of Clinical Sciences ECR committees, the initiative encourages early career researchers from across the MHTP…  Read more

  • Dr Jun Yang from the Cardiovascular Endocrinology Research Group at Hudson Institute

    Prestigious grant for cardiovascular research

    Dr Jun Yang has been awarded a prestigious $100,000 research grant from the Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation to find out more about how aldosterone might cause cardiovascular disease. Aldosterone is an important hormone in our body, but if produced in excess it can cause high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack. While it’s…  Read more

  • Dr Nayla Leon and Dr Alejandra Reyes have contributed to a new clinical guide to assist with Differences in sex development (DSDs).

    Innovative clinical guide to help babies born with DSD

    Boy or girl? Sometimes the answer is not straightforward.…  Read more

  • Professor Caroline Gargett from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute

    Research uncovers clues to cause of endometriosis

    Scientists are one step closer to understanding the cause of the debilitating condition endometriosis, following the completion of a study into cells found in the lining of the womb called the endometrium. In the study, published in the journal Human Reproduction, Professor Caroline Gargett and her team sought to determine whether regenerative cells called endometrial…  Read more

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