Found 174 news articles for inflammation

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  • A healthy heart needs a healthy start

    …Moss and his team have shown, for the first time, that inflammation in the womb worsens atherosclerosis in later life. A/Prof Moss said identifying infants exposed to inflammation in the……  Read more

    Many of us don’t realise that our heart health is affected by the conditions in our mothers’ wombs before we are born.
  • Mutation offers Holy Grail to combat inflammation

    …of the population, can moderate inflammation. The inflammation produced in the preclinical model was reduced by around 50 per cent, but still provided the required response to infections such as……  Read more

    Associate Professor Ashley Mansell from the Pattern Recognition Receptors and Inflammation Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • 2019 Hudson Institute Travel Awards and Bryan Williams Trainee Scholarship

    …will present his work at the World Congress on Inflammation in Sydney held, 15 – 19 September, as well as the International Cytokine and Interferon Society (ICIS) conference in Vienna,……  Read more

    We'd like to offer our congratulations to the 2019 Hudson Institute Travel Awards and Bryan Williams Trainee Scholarship winners.
  • Cells finding may boost POP treatment

    …the endometrium share this trait. The discovery shows researchers should consider the importance of the inflammation-dampening properties of endometrial MSC, when developing treatments to prevent inflammation to foreign implants (mesh)……  Read more

    A study on inflammation in the endometrium could bring scientists closer to improving treatment for women with pelvic organ prolapse (POP).
  • Study targets bone health, wellbeing

    …the current best-practice therapy of whole-body cooling, to reduce inflammation and interrupt brain injury, will still die or suffer lifelong disability. Diseases we research Cerebral Palsy | Learn more Contact……  Read more

    Dr Anne Trinh, 2021 Cerebral Palsy Alliance grant success
  • Double trouble for tumour cells

    …anti-cancer drugs, can also drive inflammation and assist treatment. Dr Lawlor said the study shows how some cancer treatments may be more potent than previously believed. “Scientists have thought inducing……  Read more

    Dr Kate Lawlor from the Cell Death and Inflammatory Signalling Research Group at Hudson Institute is targeting tumour cells.
  • NHMRC Project Grant success

    …large proportion of cases are associated with exposure to inflammation at the time of preterm birth. There is no effective treatment. The study will examine how inflammation impairs brain development……  Read more

    Our researchers have been awarded nine NHMRC Project Grants and one ARC Discovery Grant totalling $9.8 million.
  • Fielding Foundation awards for researchers

    …STING pathway in immunotherapy. The funds from the award will go towards establishing feasibility and translational potential for this project. Diseases we research Inflammation | Learn more Contact us Hudson……  Read more

    Associate Professor Claudia Nold from the Interventional Immunology in Early Life Diseases Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Research fellowship progressing colorectal cancer research

    …in healthy tissues, we may identify possible roles of CDK8 in other diseases such as chronic inflammation or metabolic disorders. This would allow us to examine the potential for treating……  Read more

    Dr Marius Dannappel, has been awarded a highly sought after Research Fellowship that will progress his colorectal cancer research.
  • What is H.pylori and how is it linked to stomach cancer?

    …years of life and associated with inflammation in the stomach that may, over time, be accompanied by changes in the cells of the stomach wall, leading to cancer. In 1994,……  Read more

    Professor Richard Ferrero from the Gastrointestinal Infection and Inflammation Research Group at Hudson Institute