Found 41 news articles for endometriosis

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  • Endometriosis Community share messages of hope  

    …need for more research that will investigate the genetics of endometriosis and hereditary linkages among family members.  Keep up-to-date with our critical endometriosis research via our ENDO newsletter. Diseases we……  Read more

  • Kat’s story | endometriosis

    …of my life. I ended up with not one but two healthy, happy babies,” Kat says. One in three women with endometriosis experience infertility Kat knows her journey with endometriosis…  Read more

    Endometriosis case study, Kat, pictured on the balcony with her husband and children.
  • Endometriosis advocates: two women, one goal

    Like most endometriosis sufferers, Maddy Forster went from knowing very little about the disease to being something of an expert – she now calls herself an endometriosis advocate – but……  Read more

  • Evelyn’s story | infiltrating bowel endometriosis

    …at the emergency department, Evelyn had a transvaginal scan that led to a diagnosis of deep infiltrating bowel endometriosis. Deep infiltrating endometriosis is a form of endometriosis where tissue that……  Read more

    Endometriosis Case Study Evelyn
  • Endometriosis research in focus on the airwaves

    …as the realities of living with endometriosis. Among the worrying facts shared were that endometriosis affects as many Australians as asthma and diabetes, but receives only a fraction of the……  Read more

    Dr Fiona Cousins, Endometriosis RRR broadcast
  • Bridget’s endometriosis story – diagnosis provides answers

    Bridget Hustwaite suffered six years of intense abdominal pain before she was diagnosed with stage four endometriosis in August 2018. Bridget share’s her endometriosis story. Since early adolescence, the Endometriosis…  Read more

    Bridget Hustwaite, Endometriosis Australia Ambassador and Triple J broadcaster shares her endometriosis story with Hudson Institute
  • Stem cell breakthrough advances endometriosis research

    …endometrium. GLOSSARY | women’s reproductive health conditions Endometriosis | A condition affecting an estimated 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. Endometriosis occurs when tissue that normally lines the uterus……  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Menstrual fluid – new endometriosis hope

    There’s new hope for tens of thousands of Australian women, with researchers making a crucial discovery in the battle to detect endometriosis. Endometriosis is a devastating disease affecting 11 per……  Read more

    Dr Caitlyn Filby and Katherine Wyatt from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Shining the light on ‘silent’ women’s health conditions

    …be moderated by Dr Bernie Hobbs (ABC Science). “Many myths still exist around endometriosis, such as ‘pregnancy is a cure for endometriosis’ or ‘teenagers can’t get endometriosis’,” Prof Gargett says….…  Read more

    Endometriosis logo
  • Jasmine’s story

    …had endometriosis, which had caused her appendix to become stuck to her abdominal wall. “When the surgeon confirmed that I had endometriosis, I cried because I was so relieved to……  Read more

    Endometriosis case study, Jasmine enjoying the sunshine in a park