Found 115 results for michael gantier

  • Cancer drug limits COVID inflammation

    …Associate Professor Michael Gantier has established that idronoxil, which was originally designed to treat cancers, could reduce the inflammation that occurs in response to COVID-19. The research is published in……  Read more

    Associate Professor Michael Gantier researching Covid-19 at Hudson Institute
  • Soy molecule may lead to new anti-inflammatory drug

    …disease Sickle cell disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) Pneumonia Type 2 diabetes Soy anti-inflammatory effects Associate Professor Michael Gantier, whose work has recently……  Read more

    Associate Professor Michael Gantier's soy-sourced anti-inflammatory research takes the STING out of disease.
  • WWI antiseptic could fight 21st century viral infections

    …that a century-old antiseptic called Acriflavine, made from coal tar, protects against the common cold. The findings of the study, led by Dr Michael Gantier and Dr Genevieve Pepin in……  Read more

    Michael Gantier and leam in the lab
  • Motor neuron disease inflammation trigger discovered

    …researchers Associate Professor Seth Masters and Dr Alan Yu, with colleagues from the University of Melbourne and Hudson Institute of Medical Research scientist Dr Michael Gantier. Co-author of the study……  Read more

    Dr Michael Gantier from the Nucleic Acids and Innate Immunity Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Length does matter – looking at micro-RNAs to predict cancer and disease

    …Genevieve Pepin and Dr Michael Gantier. The study, published in the journal RNA, was led by Dr Michael Gantier and PhD student Ms Charlotte Nejad at Hudson Institute, together with……  Read more

  • RNA – changing the face of modern medicine

    …and rolled out. We’ve only scratched the surface of the potential applications of RNA therapies.”- Associate Professor Michael Gantier “RNA therapeutics is the technology of the decade,” said A/Prof Gantier….…  Read more

    Dr Natália Sampaio, Associate Professor Michael Gantier at Hudson Institute.