Popular searches: Influenza, Childhood cancer, Endometriosis, Inflammation
Snoring in children needs medical attention
Snoring has been shown to be as equally disruptive on children’s health and behaviour as obstructive sleep apnoea. … Read more
Free tests help in blood pressure fight
High blood pressure, or hypertension, continues to claim the lives of millions worldwide each year, despite the fact it only takes minutes to detect through screening.… Read more
A safer birth for complicated pregnancies
Taking melatonin before labour could improve the success rate of inductions and cut delivery times, reducing the risks for mother and child.… Read more
Preparing healthcare providers for possible cord-clamp change
Our researchers are educating maternity and healthcare professionals for a possible change in birth practices by 2020, as their research moves from the laboratory to the clinic.… Read more
Preserving reproductive health
Although raising a family is an almost universal dream for couples, the reality is that infertility is increasing and will affect one in five Australian men and women, disrupting many aspirations.… Read more
High accolades at PSANZ conference
Two Hudson Institute early career researchers and two PhD students were recognised for their outstanding research at the 21st Perinatal Society of Australia & New Zealand (PSANZ) conference at the Gold Coast.… Read more
2018 Vice Chancellor’s Commendation for Thesis Excellence
Dr Nadia Bellofiore has received the second-highest honour, the 2018 Vice Chancellor’s Commendation for Thesis Excellence, from Monash University for her PhD thesis. Dr Bellofiore’s award recognises world-leading research undertaken by a student. … Read more
Fighting ovarian cancer at the front line
Ovarian cancer is responsible for more deaths than any other gynaecological disease, yet it’s known as the ‘silent killer’, due to an absence of symptoms and a devastatingly low survival rate of less than 50 per cent. Our leading ovarian cancer researchers are progressing solutions to help these women – thanks to support from the… Read more
Could this be the end for PMS?
How happy would women be living their best life without PMS? That dream could be closer to reality, thanks to the discovery of a desert mouse that has a menstrual cycle and experiences PMS symptoms much in the same way as women. Researchers have observed similarities in behaviour between the pre-menstrual spiny mouse and humans.… Read more
World-first stem cell therapy for acute stroke examined in new trial
A world‐first safety trial is underway examining amniotic stem cells as therapy for acute stroke. The study is a partnership between Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Monash Health and La Trobe University.… Read more