Found 275 news articles for childhood cancer

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  • How the microbiome affects the immune system

    …and discuss how early life colonisation and community changes in the lung correlate with immune development and health and disease throughout infancy, childhood, and adult life. Their analysis, published recently……  Read more

    Claudia Nold, Marcel Nold, Sara di Simone, Sam Forster and Ina Rudloff in the lab at Hudson Insitute
  • Treating liver disease – NHRMC funding boost

    A long-awaited treatment for a common cause of cancer is a big step closer thanks to Federal Government NHMRC funding – offering hope that naturally occurring nanoparticles will be the……  Read more

  • Social solution – rare ovarian cancer insights

    Cancer specialists have taken a novel path to advance their research – tapping into a Facebook group for rare ovarian cancer insights. L–R: Associate Professor Simon Chu and Maria Alexiadis……  Read more

    Simon Chu and Maria Alexiadis from the Hormone Cancer Therapeutics at Hudson Institute
  • Curing childhood cancer: all roads lead to Melbourne

    Childhood Cancer Model Atlas (CCMA), the world’s largest collection of high-risk paediatric cancer cell lines, providing a unique, open-source facility to cancer researchers worldwide. Childhood cancer facts One in five……  Read more

    Dr Paul Daiel and Dr Claire Sun at Hudson Institute working on curing childhood cancer.
  • T cells open the door to potential immune therapies

    …the immune system by protecting our body against infection and cancer, regulation of T cell activity is necessary to prevent excessive inflammation and damage to healthy tissue. A team of……  Read more

    Dr Kate Lawlor researches on T cells that open the door to potential immune therapies.
  • Lymphoma treatment targets multiple diseases

    …School of Medicine, China; Cell Signaling Technology, Inc., Massachusetts, USA; National Cancer Centre Singapore; Singapore General Hospital; SingHealth Duke-NUS Blood Cancer Centre, Singapore; Genome Institute of Singapore. Funders | US……  Read more

    Tissue section from a pre-clinical model in which precancerous lesions of stomach lymphoma are seen to be predominantly composed of B cells (green) and surrounded by different types of immune cells (red, yellow). Image provided by Dr Ying.
  • Passing the baton

    …identifying new targets and developing therapies for childhood cancers. Ron joined Hudson Institute as the Head of the Centre for Cancer Research in 2015 and has since gone on to……  Read more

    Congratulations to Professor Ron Firestein, who was announced this week as Deputy Director of Hudson Institute of Medical Research.
  • Pancreatitis treatment target offers new hope

    …new, effective treatments for this condition.” Read more |  Never stop asking – hope for pancreatic cancer patients, Link between COPD, emphysema and lung cancer could lead to new treatments……  Read more

    Scientist, Dr Mohamed Saad identifies a new pancreatitis treatment target, giving hope to sufferers worldwide.
  • Two new proteins identified as keys to intestinal health

    …Mediator kinases also interact with another group of proteins which have been linked to many diseases and cancers. Intestinal health requires a balance of cell types Post-doctoral researcher Dr Danxi……  Read more

    Dr Danxi Zhu and Dr Marius Dannappel research further into two new candidates that have been identified as crucial factors in maintaining good intestinal health.
  • Beating antimicrobial resistance

    …Medical Research Fellowships. The fellowships are provided by the Viertel Foundation, to progress of vital research in the areas of cancer, dementia and infection responsiveness. The World Health Organisation says……  Read more

    Dr Jaclyn Pearson wins Equity Trustees – Viertel Senior Medical Research Fellowship