32 related news articles for Fetal and Neonatal Health

  • NHMRC Investigator Grants 2023

    Exciting research projects covering healthier pregnancy, safer birth and new forms of cancer treatment have attracted major funding in the form of NHMRC Investigator grants.…  Read more

    Ron Firestein, Stuart Hooper, Stacey Ellery recipients of NHMRC Investigator Grants 2023
  • Milking the benefits – umbilical cord clamping done safely

    Safety concerns have been eased over a potentially life-saving method of cord clamping for newborn babies, thanks to research at Hudson Institute.…  Read more

    Doug Blank, Graeme Polglase and Stuart Hooper at Hudson Institute
  • Clinical trial app makes selection simple and fast

    If you see your doctor on the phone in the labour ward, don’t panic, because a new emergency clinical trial app is helping them to save time and save lives.…  Read more

    Dr Doug Blank and his team turned to a new emergency clinical trial app into a solution to save lives.
  • Big ideas attract big funding

    Hudson Institute researchers have featured prominently among the latest recipients of NHMRC Ideas Grants.…  Read more

    Hudson Institute researchers have featured prominently among the latest recipients of 2022 NHMRC Ideas Grants.
  • Trial shows delayed cord clamping difference

    Small changes can sometimes have big impacts – just ask Drs Doug Blank and Shiraz Badurdeen. Their clinical trial of delayed cord clamping proved that a simple change to the way newborn babies are handled can make a huge difference to their lives.…  Read more

    Dr Doug Blank, Professor Graeme Polglase, Professor Stuart Hooper prove that delayed cord clamping for newborn babies can make a difference to their lives.
  • New Head for The Ritchie Centre

    Professor Suzanne Miller, scientific leader in fetal and neonatal neurodevelopment, has been appointed as the new Head of The Ritchie Centre.…  Read more

    Professor Suzanne Miller Heads up The Ritchie Centre at Hudson Institute of Medical Research
  • Victorian Premier’s Awards recognise rising stars

    Hudson Institute has featured prominently in the Victorian Premier’s Awards for Health and Medical Research, thanks to pioneering work developing new treatments for pelvic organ prolapse (POP).…  Read more

    Dr Kallyanashis among the winners in Health and Medical Research awards
  • 2021 NHMRC Ideas Grants success

    Hudson Institute has again been recognised in the awarding of NHMRC Ideas Grants. These grants support innovative and creative research and build on Australia’s strong skills and international reputation in advanced health and medical research.…  Read more

    Professor Richard Ferrero and Professor Stuart Hooper awarded 2021 NHMRC Ideas Grants
  • NHMRC Investigator Grant Emerging Leadership success

    Hudson Institute is happy to announce the success of our researcher, Dr Doug Blank, in the new NHMRC Investigator Grant round.…  Read more

    Dr Doug Blank awarded NHMRC Investigator Grant
  • Congenital diaphragmatic hernia Doctoral Thesis excellence progresses research to clinical trial

    Hudson Institute PhD graduate Dr Aidan Kashyap has received one of Monash University’s highest student academic honors for his research into congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH).…  Read more

  • Cord clamping and CPR discovery could change practice

    Newborn babies who need resuscitating at birth could benefit from CPR while their umbilical cord is still attached, according to new research.…  Read more

    Associate Professor Graeme Polglase, Research Group Head, Perinatal Transition Research Group at Hudson Institute of Medical Research
  • NHMRC Ideas Grant success

    Hudson Institute has had outstanding success in the NHMRC Ideas Grant round.

    Our researchers have been awarded nine NHMRC Ideas Grants, totalling almost $8.5 million and a success rate of 19.1 per cent.…  Read more

  • Helping newborns with underdeveloped lungs

    Severe complications associated with small lungs in newborns could soon be reduced with the use of a world-first preclinical model.…  Read more

    Dr Erin McGillick and PhD student Indya Davies
  • Giving little lungs a fighting chance

    For every 4000 babies born, one baby will be born with lungs so underdeveloped that they will die soon after birth, or, if they survive, they will face lifelong neurological and respiratory problems.…  Read more

    Photo of Fetal and Neonatal Health PhD student Aidan Kashyap
  • New neonatal paediatric chair

    Hudson Institute and Monash University have welcomed the announcement of the Financial Markets Foundation for Children (FMFC) to provide funding for the appointment of a new Chair in Neonatal Paediatrics.…  Read more

    Professor Stuart Hooper, Head, The Ritchie Centre.
  • Preparing healthcare providers for possible cord-clamp change

    Our researchers are educating maternity and healthcare professionals for a possible change in birth practices by 2020, as their research moves from the laboratory to the clinic.…  Read more

    A/Prof Graeme Polglase and Professor Stuart Hooper
  • Two Hudson Institute researchers receive prestigious veski Fellowship Awards

    Two promising young Hudson Institute researchers, Dr Cristina Giogha and Aidan Kashyap received highly sought after Victoria Fellowships, funded by the State Government of Victoria and delivered by veski.…  Read more

    Two promising young Hudson Institute researchers, Dr Cristina Giogha and Aidan Kashyap received highly sought after Victoria Fellowships..
  • Helping newborns—delayed cord clamping clinical trial

    A breakthrough Hudson Institute discovery which demonstrated how delaying umbilical cord clamping at birth could help newborns, is now underway in an Australian first clinical trial.…  Read more

    Associate Professor Graeme Polglase, Research Group Head, Perinatal Transition Research Group at Hudson Institute of Medical Research
  • Breathing life into newborns

    A world-first Hudson Institute and Monash University study has analysed how healthy newborns transition to breathing straight after birth…  Read more

    A study has analysed how healthy newborns transition to breathing straight after birth.
  • Baby’s first breaths of life captured for the first time

    For the first time, doctors and researchers have captured moving ultrasound images of the lungs of newborn babies as they take their first breaths. The world-first research, involving Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Monash University and the Royal Women’s Hospital, is a breakthrough in understanding how human lungs transition from the womb to taking the…  Read more

    Douglas Blank
  • PhD research helping babies to breathe recognised with Royal Society prize

    PhD student Aidan Kashyap, who is progressing research to help babies born with underdeveloped lungs, was awarded a Young Scientist Research Prize in Biomedical Sciences by the Royal Society of Victoria on 16 August. The awards recognise excellence in Victoria’s early career scientists. Prizes were open to Victorian students in their final year of PhD…  Read more

    Aidan Kashyap, who is progressing research to help babies born with underdeveloped lungs, was awarded a Young Scientist Research Prize.
  • NHMRC Fellowship success

    Hudson Institute has had outstanding success in the recent National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Fellowship and Development Grant announcements.…  Read more

    Associate Professor Rebecca Lim, 2017 NHMRC Grant success
  • Hudson Institute, SCS PhD students excel in Faculty 3MT Final

    Hudson Institute and School of Clinical Sciences PhD student, Aidan Kashyap has taken out second prize in Monash University’s Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition. Aidan’s research is finding therapies to help babies who struggle to breathe in their first moments of life due to underdeveloped lungs, as a…  Read more

  • Congratulations to our Three Minute Thesis Competition final winners

    Congratulations to our PhD students who presented their exceptional research at this year’s Hudson Institute/SCS Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition final on Wednesday, 4 July. The Three Minute Thesis (3MT™) is a national research communication competition that celebrates exciting research conducted by PhD research students. Students have three minutes to present a compelling oration on…  Read more

  • CDH research gives hope to families

    Research leading to improved outcomes for babies with congenital diaphragmatic hernia was the focus of a community forum last month in Melbourne. The Fetal Therapy Research Group, led by Associate Professor Ryan Hodges, is working towards improving outcomes for babies who have difficulty breathing at birth due to a condition called congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH).…  Read more

  • 2018 Hudson Institute Travel and Equity Awards

    Congratulations to the 2018 Hudson Institute Travel Awards recipients, who will attend international conferences and visiting laboratories to build invaluable knowledge in their area of research. The Awards (supported by donations from the Grisha Sklovsky Memorial Fund and Philip Wind Travel Fund) support six Hudson Institute Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD students to gain experience relevant…  Read more

    Dr Shayanti Mukherjee from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Outstanding PhD students receive recognition

    Graduate research students from The Ritchie Centre took the lion’s share of awards at the recent Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ) annual scientific meeting.…  Read more

  • Hudson Institute student a FameLab semi-finalist

    PhD student, Aidan Kashyap has been selected as a FameLab semi-finalist for his research that is offering hope for babies who struggle to breathe at birth due to underdeveloped lungs. Aidan will compete against 11 other STEM early career researchers in the FameLab Victorian semi-finals at the Melbourne Museum on Wednesday, 28 March 2018. FameLab,…  Read more

  • Clamping the umbilical cord later saves preterm babies’ lives

    Thousands of preterm babies could be saved by waiting 60 seconds before clamping the umbilical cord after birth instead of clamping it immediately – according to two international studies, including research from Hudson Institute, Monash University and Monash Health. Our researchers provided the scientific understanding for this major global study that will see a change…  Read more

    Professor Stuart Hooper from The Ritchie Centre at Hudson Institute of Medical Research
  • PhD student Dr Douglas Blank wins Faculty 3MT Competition

    PhD candidate, Dr Douglas Blank, from the Ritchie Centre (Hudson Institute and Monash University), has won the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Three Minute Thesis Competition for his presentation on physiologic-based cord clamping.…  Read more

  • Reducing harm stemming from premature birth and birth asphyxia

    Minimising harm to babies exposed to adverse early life events such as preterm birth and birth asphyxia will be the focus of a $6.12M National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funded collaborative research program at Hudson Institute of Medical Research.…  Read more

  • Researcher honoured for career dedicated to saving our smallest patients

    Monash University has honoured MIMR-PHI Researcher Professor Stuart Hooper’s outstanding career and research leadership with the 2014 Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (Distinguished Career).…  Read more

    Professor Stuart Hooper from The Ritchie Centre at Hudson Institute of Medical Research