Story type: Award

  • Outstanding PhD students receive recognition

    Graduate research students from The Ritchie Centre took the lion’s share of awards at the recent Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ) annual scientific meeting.…  Read more

  • Genetic explanation for intersex provides hope

    A study led by Professor Vincent Harley and Dr Daniel Bird examining the genetic causes of intersex, where a person is born with characteristics that are not clearly male or female…  Read more

    Professor Vincent Harley - A study identifies a new rare disorder that forms another piece of the puzzle in understanding why some people are born intersex.
  • Dr Sue Fowler Scholarship in Ovarian Cancer awarded to Mrs Nazanin Karimnia

    The inaugural Dr Sue Fowler Scholarship in Ovarian Cancer has been awarded to PhD student, Mrs Nazanin Karimnia to support her research into new ovarian cancer therapies. The scholarship was established in honour of the late Dr Sue Fowler, to support a Hudson Institute PhD student undertaking research into ovarian cancer. There is an urgent…  Read more

  • Preventing gestational diabetes

    Early career researchers Dr Stacey Ellery and Ms Aya Mousa have won the MHTP Research Week ECR speed networking event, receiving a $10,000 grant to progress their research idea.…  Read more

  • Finding the right treatment for repeated implantation failure

    Uncovering how abnormal immune cell populations in the womb could be linked to repeat implantation failure and early pregnancy loss is the focus of new research by Dr Ellen Menkhorst. Dr Menkhorst, a Research Scientist in the Embryo Implantation Research Group, has been awarded a $100,000 grant from the Rebecca L. Cooper Foundation to help…  Read more

  • Flicking the immune ‘switch’ to repair multiple sclerosis damage

    Discovering new treatments to repair damage to nerve cells caused by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) will be the focus of research at Hudson Institute of Medical Research, thanks to funding from MS Research Australia. Dr Claire McCoy has been awarded a $25,000 MS Research Australia incubator grant to progress her research into the role of macrophages,…  Read more

  • Leading next generation IVF

    La Trobe University and Hudson Institute of Medical Research are leading pioneering research aimed at understanding infertility and improving the rate of assisted and natural pregnancies – an approach that may lead to ‘personalised IVF’. The team, led by Dr David Greening from La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science and Professor Lois Salamonsen from Hudson…  Read more

  • VCA Fellowship targets ‘rare and aggressive’ childhood cancer

    Dr Jason Cain has been awarded a Victorian Cancer Agency (VCA) Mid-Career Fellowship for his research to help tackle a rare and aggressive form of childhood cancer. Dr Cain was one of 14 successful VCA funding recipients announced by Acting Minister for Health, Martin Foley as part of a $7 million investment by the Victorian…  Read more

    Dr Jason Cain from the Developmental and Cancer Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Professor Rosemary Horne awarded Doctor of Science

    Professor Rosemary Horne has been awarded a Doctor of Science from Monash University for more than three decades of research that has shaped the understanding of sleep in children and infants. The Doctor of Science (DSc) is of a higher standing than a PhD and is awarded for work that makes an original, substantial and…  Read more

  • Therapy brings long-term hope for halting Parkinson’s Disease

    How deep brain stimulation therapy could help to slow or halt the progression of Parkinson’s Disease is the focus of new research by Dr Joohyung Lee, thanks to a grant from the Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation. “Parkinson’s disease (PD) is primarily associated with the inability to initiate and control voluntary movement. These symptoms result from…  Read more

    Dr Joohyung Lee, Honorary Research Associate, working at the lab bench and using a microscope to assist with his medical research