Story type: Real lives

  • High blood pressure service increases referrals

    A clinical service and primary care outreach program focused on hormonal causes of high blood pressure — the first of its kind in Victoria — has led to earlier screening and diagnosis of primary aldosteronism.…  Read more

    Dr Jun Yang from the Cardiovascular Endocrinology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Weighing up home birth vs hospital in the wake of coronavirus

    There’s been a reported surge in women seeking home births since the outbreak of coronavirus in Australia.
    Research led by Hudson Institute has shown home birth is safe for women with low-risk pregnancies.…  Read more

    Dr Miranda Davies Tuck
  • Treating UTIs—where to from here

    The discovery that the bladder isn’t sterile has opened up new avenues of treatment for urinary tract infections (UTI).…  Read more

    Imelda, wearing a hat and working in the garden.
  • A world of opportunity for LGBTQIA+ community in STEMM

    Melbourne is hosting the first Australian symposium for LGBT STEMM Day on 5 July. Dr Jaclyn Pearson is one of a number of Hudson Institute researchers who are attending and also has the honour of being an event speaker.…  Read more

    Dr Pearson with and iBlot2 - an instrument that transfers proteins to a membrane so they can be detected using using antibodies.
  • A fitting legacy for leading fitness coach, Daniel Wilson

    A leading Australian fitness coach, Daniel Wilson, died in May 2019 two months after being diagnosed with stomach cancer aged just 37. Daniel was well known for introducing Metafit, a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) program, to Australia.

    Now, those who loved Daniel are commemorating his life by raising funds for medical research that will help find earlier diagnoses and treatments for others with stomach cancer.…  Read more

    A leading Australian fitness coach Daniel Wilson, died in May 2019 two months after being diagnosed with stomach cancer aged just 37.
  • World-first stem cell therapy for acute stroke examined in new trial

    A world‐first safety trial is underway examining amniotic stem cells as therapy for acute stroke. The study is a partnership between Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Monash Health and La Trobe University.…  Read more

    Associate Professor Rebecca Lim from the Amnion Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute is participating in a world‐first safety trial examining amniotic stem cells as therapy for acute stroke.
  • World-first trial of placental cell treatment helping premature babies

    A world-first therapy, developed at Hudson Institute of Medical Research and Monash University, using cells from the human placenta to repair the damaged lungs of premature babies, is giving hope to families of the most fragile infants like Harry Campbell. The results of a clinical trial at the Monash Children’s Hospital – the culmination of…  Read more

    Associate Professor Rebecca Lim and Dr Atul Malhotra stand before a premature baby, cradled in a humidicrib at Monash Health
  • Kat’s story | endometriosis

    For years, Kat was told by doctors she might never have children due to severe endometriosis. Now, the mother of twin girls, she wants to create more awareness, so that other women – and her daughters – don’t suffer.…  Read more

    Endometriosis case study, Kat, pictured on the balcony with her husband and children.
  • Jasmine’s story

    Jasmine started experiencing severe period pain as a teenager and endured five years of pain before she was diagnosed with endometriosis. Her journey continues.…  Read more

    Endometriosis case study, Jasmine enjoying the sunshine in a park
  • Evelyn’s story | infiltrating bowel endometriosis

    ‘Invisible illness’ took years of pain and a trip to the emergency ward before diagnosis. It wasn’t until Evelyn’s debilitating symptoms started to impact her daily life that she sought help – but that was only the beginning of her journey.…  Read more

    Endometriosis Case Study Evelyn