Story type: Students

  • Door to science opened for nine young women

    Nine young women from secondary colleges in Melbourne’s southeast participated in a two-week immersive program at Hudson Institute that was funded as part of a concerted effort by the federal government to increase the number of women in science.…  Read more

    The 2019 Hudson Institute Young Women in Science program attendees with Prof Hartland
  • Giving little lungs a fighting chance

    For every 4000 babies born, one baby will be born with lungs so underdeveloped that they will die soon after birth, or, if they survive, they will face lifelong neurological and respiratory problems.…  Read more

    Photo of Fetal and Neonatal Health PhD student Aidan Kashyap
  • BrainSTEM Innovation Challenge

    A recent addition to the STEM landscape, The BrainSTEM Innovation Challenge has provided an opportunity for Hudson Institute PhD student, Steph Huang to mentor local high school students and address gaps in scientific education.…  Read more

    A recent addition to the STEM landscape, The BrainSTEM Innovation Challenge has provided an opportunity for PhD student, Steph Huang.
  • Hudson Institute welcomes Young Women in Science

    Hudson Institute has created a new program for young women designed to encourage them to consider a career in medical research.

    The inaugural Hudson Institute of Young Women in Science program was funded as part of a concerted effort by the federal government to increase the number of women in science.…  Read more

    Aspiring young scientists and mentors at Hudson Institute
  • Drug may be breakthrough to treat lung cancer

    The development of a drug to treat the most common type of lung cancer is a step closer …  Read more

    Professor Brendan Jenkins and Dr Mohamed Saad from the Cancer and Immune Signalling Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • 2019 Harold Mitchell Travel Fellowships

    Congratulations to the 2019 recipients of the Harold Mitchell Foundation Travel Fellowships. The fellowships equip young scientists with the experience, cutting-edge knowledge and professional links that will let them make a difference to medical science both in Australia and throughout the world.…  Read more

    Ben Amberg - Harold Mitchell Travel Fellowships
  • High accolades at PSANZ conference

    Two Hudson Institute early career researchers and two PhD students were recognised for their outstanding research at the 21st Perinatal Society of Australia & New Zealand (PSANZ) conference at the Gold Coast.…  Read more

    Tayla Penny - PSANZ conference
  • 2018 Vice Chancellor’s Commendation for Thesis Excellence

    Dr Nadia Bellofiore has received the second-highest honour, the 2018 Vice Chancellor’s Commendation for Thesis Excellence, from Monash University for her PhD thesis. Dr Bellofiore’s award recognises world-leading research undertaken by a student. …  Read more

    Dr Nadia Bellofiore
  • Building connections with German researchers

    An award from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Advanced Molecular Imaging is helping a PhD student drive the future of Australian science and innovation. Holly Ung, from Professor Marcel Nold and Associate Professor Claudia Nold’s Research Group, is taking part in a 12-week research internship in Germany at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy…  Read more

    Holly Ung, from Prof Marcel Nold and Ass. Prof Claudia Nold’s Research Group, is taking part in a 12-week research internship in Germany.
  • How a baby’s sex is determined

    A discovery has been made about how a baby’s sex is determined – it’s not just about the X-Y chromosomes, but involves a ’regulator’ that increases or decreases the activity of genes which decide if we become male or female.…  Read more

    Brittany Croft