Story type: Students

  • Hormone replacement therapy could help kidney dialysis patients

    Men undergoing kidney dialysis may have lower testosterone and reproductive hormone levels, providing evidence as to why this group are more prone to bone fractures, a new Hudson Institute of Medical Research study has shown. The study, by Clinical Associate Professor Frances Milat and first author Dr Jasna Aleksova, suggests hormone replacement therapy could be…  Read more

  • Congratulations to our Three Minute Thesis Competition final winners

    Congratulations to our PhD students who presented their exceptional research at this year’s Hudson Institute/SCS Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition final on Wednesday, 4 July. The Three Minute Thesis (3MT™) is a national research communication competition that celebrates exciting research conducted by PhD research students. Students have three minutes to present a compelling oration on…  Read more

  • Sparking the skills to take research to industry

    PhD student, Anqi Li has been selected to take part in the prestigious SPARK Biomedical Innovation and Entrepreneurship training course in Berlin, Germany this month. The two-week intensive course aims to bridge the gap between industry and academia by helping PhD students to think in creative, innovative and entrepreneurial ways.  It is part of the…  Read more

  • PhD Scholars program trains paediatric precision medicine leaders

    A new PhD scholars program in paediatric cancer precision medicine has been established at Hudson Institute of Medical Research with co-funding from the Children’s Cancer Foundation. The program will train the next generation of scientists in advanced functional and structural genomics, development of patient-centric preclinical models, bioinformatics analytics and translational research with the aim of…  Read more

    A new PhD scholars program in paediatric cancer precision medicine has been established at Hudson Institute of Medical Research.
  • CDH research gives hope to families

    Research leading to improved outcomes for babies with congenital diaphragmatic hernia was the focus of a community forum last month in Melbourne. The Fetal Therapy Research Group, led by Associate Professor Ryan Hodges, is working towards improving outcomes for babies who have difficulty breathing at birth due to a condition called congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH).…  Read more

  • 2018 Harold Mitchell Foundation Travel Fellowships

    Congratulations to the 2018 recipients of The Harold Mitchell Foundation Travel Fellowships. These fellowships are equipping our young scientists with the experience, cutting-edge knowledge and professional links that will let them make a major difference to medical science both in Australia and throughout the world. The Harold Mitchell Foundation Fellowships enable a promising young Hudson…  Read more

    Courtney McDonald
  • 2018 Hudson Institute Travel and Equity Awards

    Congratulations to the 2018 Hudson Institute Travel Awards recipients, who will attend international conferences and visiting laboratories to build invaluable knowledge in their area of research. The Awards (supported by donations from the Grisha Sklovsky Memorial Fund and Philip Wind Travel Fund) support six Hudson Institute Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD students to gain experience relevant…  Read more

    Dr Shayanti Mukherjee from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • 2018 Centre for Reproductive Health Travel Awards

    Through the generosity of an anonymous donor, the Centre for Reproductive Health (CRH) is able to provide a highly competitive travel award of $2,500 to each of one CRH post-doctoral fellow and one CRH PhD student.  This offers a wonderful opportunity for our future research leaders to showcase their accomplishments. 2018 CRH Travel Award recipients…  Read more

  • Outstanding PhD students receive recognition

    Graduate research students from The Ritchie Centre took the lion’s share of awards at the recent Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ) annual scientific meeting.…  Read more

  • Hudson Institute student a FameLab semi-finalist

    PhD student, Aidan Kashyap has been selected as a FameLab semi-finalist for his research that is offering hope for babies who struggle to breathe at birth due to underdeveloped lungs. Aidan will compete against 11 other STEM early career researchers in the FameLab Victorian semi-finals at the Melbourne Museum on Wednesday, 28 March 2018. FameLab,…  Read more