Student research projects
Our research projects are suitable for students with an interest in basic and clinical research studies for Honours, Masters and PhD. Honours students can enroll through BSc, BBiomedSc or BMedSc streams. Our courses are predominantly run through Monash University.
Contact supervisors at any time
Students are encouraged to contact and arrange a visit to supervisors in their labs to discuss projects.
STEP 1 | Find a project you are interested in. You can simply search by looking for keywords in our 2026 student project database – coming soon i.e cancer, inflammation.
STEP 2 | Once you have identified a project, email the supervisor: “I am interested in your student project. Could I please arrange a time to chat?”
2026 Hudson Student Research Projects
Please note: Student Projects for enrolment in 2026 will be available online – coming soon!
Centre for Cancer Research
Centre for Endocrinology and Metabolism
Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases
Centre for Reproductive Health
The Ritchie Centre
Contact us
Alice Frederick
Dr Maree Bilandzic