Shining a light on innovations in stem cell research and their clinical use
By Hudson Institute communications
Innovations in stem cell and regenerative medicine research and women’s and children’s health are the focus of the 2016 Ritchie Centre Colloquium and Public Forum, August 25 – 26.

Stem cells and regenerative medicine have been identified by the National Institutes of Health in the USA as the next pillar in modern medicine. The Asia-Pacific stem cell market alone is projected to increase to $US18.7 billion by 2018, from $US7.10 billion in 2014.
The annual Ritchie Colloquium and Public Forum will take place at the Monash Health Translation Precinct’s new $87.5 million, state-of-the-art Translational Research Facility in Clayton, from August 25-26.
The Ritchie Centre (Hudson Institute of Medical Research and Monash University) is a leading centre for stem cell and regenerative medicine research in Australia. The Centre hosts the annual Colloquium and Public Forum to inform and educate the general and scientific communities on women’s and children’s health issues.
Keynote invited speakers at this year’s event will include Professor John Rasko, A/Professor Jerry Chan, Professor David Gardner, and Professor William Sievert.
Public Forum
On Thursday night The Ritchie Centre will host a Public Forum on the topic Stem Cell Therapies: Where are we now, and where are we heading, where members of the public can hear about, and discuss, cutting edge developments in stem cell therapies.
The Forum will be chaired by eminent obstetrician and researcher, Professor Euan Wallace, with a panel including stem cell pioneer, Professor Alan Trounson (Hudson Institute), and Professor John Rasko (clinical haemotologist, University of Sydney).
The Forum will explore topics including current and potential stem cell treatments and trials as well as the regulatory environment in which clinicians currently operate in this growing area. The Forum will be moderated by the founder and past chair of the Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research, Dr Susan Hawes. Questions and public and participation in the discussion are welcome.
Leading Ritchie Centre researchers and invited speakers will present their ground-breaking research during the Colloquium on topics including clinical applications of stem cells and biomatrices, fertility and infertility and the use of stem cells in women’s and paediatric health.
“Our scientists are pioneering a number of Phase I and Phase II clinical trials, including using mesenchymal stem cells in neurosurgery, multiple sclerosis and liver fibrosis,” Professor Jenkin, Research Group Head, Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine at the Ritchie Centre, said.
“We are also using amnion cells, taken from the amniotic membrane of the placenta, to treat preterm lung disease and liver cirrhosis, and umbilical cord blood stem cells in the treatment and prevention of cerebral palsy.
“We are one of the few centres to fully utilise these placental stem cells in clinical trials,” he said.
Proudly sponsored by Miltenyi Biotec and BioSpherix Medical

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