Found 174 news articles for inflammation

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  • What is H.pylori and how is it linked to stomach cancer?

    …years of life and associated with inflammation in the stomach that may, over time, be accompanied by changes in the cells of the stomach wall, leading to cancer. In 1994,……  Read more

    Professor Richard Ferrero from the Gastrointestinal Infection and Inflammation Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Our response to COVID-19

    …to Influenza A virus (IAV), including damaging lung inflammation. Here macrophages engulf an IAV peptide that induces inflammation where activated cells are identified by bright blue ‘specks’. How you can……  Read more

  • Cell therapies trial planned for COVID-19

    …many cell types. Most importantly, they have potent effects on inflammation and tissue damage. A/Prof Lim and Professor Euan Wallace are developing a clinical trial to investigate whether these cells……  Read more

  • Crohn’s disease diagnosis impacts future health

    …of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, involved 96 pediatric patients at Royal London Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital who underwent surgery. It found those with abnormal gastroscopy results—upper gastrointestinal tract inflammation—were associated……  Read more

    Edward Giles from the Regulation of Interferon and Innate Signalling Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • COVID-19 treatment clinical trial underway

    …active ingredient in the anti-cancer drug Veyonda, idronoxil, could block the production of several pro-inflammatory proteins, known as cytokines. These proteins are involved in the ‘cytokine storm’ or hyper-inflammation that……  Read more

    Dr Michael Gantier from the Nucleic Acids and Innate Immunity Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Stem cell therapy advances lung disease treatment

    …grow into many cell types. They have potent effects on inflammation and tissue damage. Amnion cell clinical trials The research, published in the journal Clinical Science, showed that amnion cells……  Read more

    Dandan Zhu and Rebecca Lim at Hudson Institute
  • Necrotising enterocolitis treatment closer

    …(NEC). The condition can trigger massive inflammation causing parts of preterm babies’ small and large intestine to die, posing a major challenge that clinicians treating these babies in neonatal intensive……  Read more

    Associate Professor Claudia Nold and Professor Marcel Nold, Hudson Institute of Medical Research
  • NHMRC Ideas Grants success

    …will characterise IFNe effects on the process of inflammation which recruits and activates immune cells to attack the tumour cells. Learn more about Ovarian cancer Interferon Epsilon as a novel……  Read more

    Sam, Paul, Ed and Vince, Hudson Institute's successful NHMRC Ideas Grants recipients
  • Silicosis research awarded more than $1.6 million

    …Hudson Institute inflammation researchers, Associate Professor Michelle Tate and Associate Professor Ashley Mansell, were awarded $645,764 from the MRFF towards silicosis research. They will collaborate with Monash Health and Monash……  Read more

    Inflammation scientists Associate Professor Michelle Tate and Associate Professor Ashley Mansell
  • Inner Wheel Australia Foundation Trust success

    …of Clinical Sciences, Department of Medicine Every 15 hours a baby is born in Australia with damage to the brain that will result in cerebral palsy (CP). Neuroinflammation is a……  Read more

    Courtney McDonald