48 related news articles for

  • CanToo funding boost for ovarian cancer research

    One of the most exciting developments in ovarian cancer treatment in decades will form the basis of a new two-year research project at Hudson Institute, thanks to the generosity of the CanToo Foundation.…  Read more

    Dr Laura Moffitt
  • Hope for ovarian cancer – thanks to OCRF funding

    Two unique Hudson Institute research projects have been chosen among eight nationally to share in the largest-ever funding distribution from the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF), offering hope to women everywhere.…  Read more

    Associate Professor Simon Chu and Dr Nicole Campbell
  • Leader cells key to stopping ovarian cancer’s double impact

    A diagnosis of ovarian cancer carries a dual threat – the disease itself and the danger of the cancer spreading – but the latest research from Hudson Institute has uncovered a crucial factor, leader cells, that are crucial to both.…  Read more

    An advanced-stage tumor after 8 weeks, showing specific areas where cancer-spreading leader cells (KRT14+ LCs) and immune-suppressing cells (Tregs) are concentrated, driving tumor growth and immune evasion
  • NHMRC Investigator grant success 2025

    Research projects that will improve the lives of people with autoinflammatory diseases, hypertension, cancer and perinatal brain injury have been recognised in the latest National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Investigator Grants, announced by Federal Minister for Health and Ageing, The Hon Mark Butler MP.…  Read more

    NHMRC Investigator Grants 2025 Feature
  • Spotlight: supporting ovarian cancer research

    There are few parts of the Australian community that remain untouched by ovarian cancer. The team at Spotlight Group Holdings, one of the nation’s largest retail organisations, is supporting Hudson Institute’s work to help find a cure and better early diagnostics for the deadly disease.…  Read more

    Spotlight Morry Fraid, Ben Clark, Dr Maree Bilandzic
  • Ovarian cancer breakthrough: tiny protein, big impact

    Their latest research, published in the esteemed journal, Nature, showed that the innate immune system produces a powerful weapon against ovarian cancer – interferon epsilon (IFNe) – a weapon just waiting to be harnessed to deliver an effective immunotherapy treatment option.…  Read more

    The immunofluorescence image is one of the mouse Fallopian tube showing IFNe expression (in green)
  • The power of patient experience in rare ovarian cancer

    For Associate Professor Simon Chu, the problem leading Hudson Institute’s research into rare ovarian cancers was getting access to large quantities of real-world data, and the solution came from a surprising place: social media.…  Read more

    Associate Professor Simon Chu rare ovarian cancer GCT researcher
  • Hudson News: Summer 2023

    Director’s Message: Changing the odds on ovarian cancer. As medical researchers, we spend a lot of our time looking at numbers, establishing which changes or effects are significant and which are not.…  Read more

    Professor Elizabeth Hartland, Director and CEO of Hudson Institute
  • Jessica’s story, ovarian cancer at a young age

    Jessica Clark calls herself the luckiest unlucky person in the world – but she still wants to know why she got ovarian cancer at such a young age.…  Read more

    Jessica Clark, Ovarian Cancer Survivor, at home with husband Ben and daughter Matilda
  • Ovarian cancer test breakthrough: new hope

    In medical research, the path from laboratory bench to patient bedside is usually a very long one. And when it comes to breakthroughs in specific testing for ovarian cancer, it is a path that no-one has yet navigated successfully.…  Read more

    Dr Andrew Stephens looking at ovarian cancer specimens in the lab at Hudson Institute
  • The power of IFN-e: ovarian cancer breakthrough

    In a distinguished scientific career lasting four decades, Professor Paul Hertzog has just about seen it all – but seeing his team’s latest research published in the influential journal Nature was a proud moment.…  Read more

    Professor Paul Hertzog and Dr Nicole Campbell
  • GCT Survivor Sisters doing it for ovarian cancer

    When it comes to rare forms of cancer, researchers and patients share the same problem – finding enough information from which to make informed decisions.…  Read more

    Dr Simon Chu looking down a microscope in the ovarian cancer research lab at Hudson Institute
  • Researchers close to a more accurate ovarian cancer test

    A new blood test is now being developed to improve ovarian cancer diagnosis, with the potential to reduce unnecessary surgery leading to better health outcomes, saving time, stress and money for patients and the healthcare system.…  Read more

    Dr Andrew Stephens Ovarian Cancer research in the lab at Hudson Institute
  • Can the body’s signalling protein be harnessed to stop ovarian cancer?

    The search for preventions and cures has turned inward – focussing on the immune system to stop ovarian cancer.…  Read more

    Professor Paul Hertzog, Dr Zoe Marks, Dr Nicole Campbell and Dr Nollaig Bourke with Ovarian Cancer discovery at Hudson Institute
  • CUREator funds Hudson Institute biotech innovation

    Exciting new treatments for unmet medical needs including ovarian cancer have been awarded significant funding from Australia’s national biotechnology incubator, CUREator.…  Read more

    Dr Andrew Stephens, Dr Maree Bilandzic, Adjunct Associate Professor Rebecca Lim at Hudson Institute
  • Hudson Institute’s 2023 Emerging Leaders

    Six of the best early career researchers have been chosen to take part in the Hudson Institute 2023 Emerging Leaders Program. …  Read more

    L-R: Dr Sarah Moody, Dr Nicole Campbell, Dr Rukmali Wijayarathna, Dr Harriet Fitzgerald, Dr Caroline Skene and Dr Emily Gulliver
  • Social solution – rare ovarian cancer insights

    Ovarian cancer specialists have taken a novel path to advance their research – tapping into an international Facebook group to learn from members’ experiences.…  Read more

    Simon Chu and Maria Alexiadis from the Hormone Cancer Therapeutics at Hudson Institute
  • COVID can’t stop cancer pioneer finishing his Ride4Research

    Not even Covid-19 could stop a pioneer in the fight against rare ovarian cancers finishing his epic fundraising ride. In early May Dr Simon Chu took a break from the lab and put rubber on the road in the Ride4Research, aiming to cover 900km in 9 days from Canberra to Melbourne.…  Read more

    Eight-year-old Neve presents fundraising cheque to riders finishing Ride4Research.
  • Firefighters Charity Fund supports BRCA1 research

    On 16 March we were delighted to welcome a group from Fire Rescue Victoria, who are generously supporting our research into the BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations via the Firefighters Charity Fund. …  Read more

    Firefighters Charity Fund support BRCA1 gene sequencing at Hudson Institute of Medical Research.
  • Cancer pioneer Simon Chu’s Ride4Research

    A pioneer in the fight against rare ovarian cancers is taking a break from the lab and putting rubber on the road as part of the Ride4Research.…  Read more

    Dr Simon Chu in the fight against rare ovarian cancers and takes a break from the lab and putting rubber on the road as part of the Ride4Research.
  • Neve’s story: juvenile ovarian cancer

    Seeing their baby diagnosed with a rare ovarian cancer before her first birthday instantly made one Central Victorian family advocates for medical research.…  Read more

    8-year-old Neve, who was treated for a juvenile granulosa cell tumour at 11-months old
  • Funding boost for ovarian cancer research

    Hudson Institute of Medical Research is proud to be a recipient in the latest round of funding from the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF).…  Read more

    Professor Ron Firestein from the Cancer Genetics and Functional Genomics Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Ovarian cancer treatment hope

    Hudson Institute researchers have shown for the first time that a diabetes drug called sitagliptin can limit tumour growth, and possibly extend survival rates from epithelial ovarian cancer, the most common and dangerous type of ovarian cancer.…  Read more

    Scientist, Dr Amy Wilson at Hudson Institute
  • NHMRC Ideas Grants success

    Hudson Institute has been successful in the NHMRC Ideas Grant round. Our researchers have been awarded four NHMRC Ideas Grants, totalling almost $4.1 million.…  Read more

    Sam, Paul, Ed and Vince, Hudson Institute's successful NHMRC Ideas Grants recipients
  • $2.2 million awarded to tackle rare ovarian cancer

    Women with a rare and potentially aggressive form of ovarian cancer will benefit from a grant to continue ground-breaking research into new detection and treatment methods.…  Read more

    Professor Peter Fuller AM and Dr Simon at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research
  • Simple blood test can improve ovarian cancer diagnosis

    Researchers have developed a simple blood test that measures the body’s own immune response to improve diagnosis of ovarian cancer.…  Read more

    Dr Andrew Stephens from the Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Congratulations to our CASS Foundation grant awardees

    Five Hudson Institute researchers have been awarded one-year Medicine/Science grants totalling nearly $300,000 by The CASS Foundation, to advance their research projects into mitochondrially-driven cancers, ovarian cancer, Parkinson’s disease, primary aldosteronism and endometriosis in 2020.…  Read more

    2020 Successful CASS Foundation Grants applicants
  • Researchers frock up for Frocktober

    For the month of ‘frocktober’ ovarian cancer researchers, Dr Maree Bilandzic and Dr Amy Wilson swapped their white lab coats for colourful frocks as part of the Frocktober campaign to raise funds and awareness for ovarian cancer research.…  Read more

    Scientists, Dr Amy Wilson and Dr Maree Bilandzic all dressed up in the lab in stunning dresses, supporting OCRF Frocktober
  • Ovarian cancer ‘invasion cells’ identified

    Highly mobile, invasive ovarian cancer cells called ‘leader cells’ have been discovered as the cells that lead the attack on healthy tissue.…  Read more

    Dr Maree Bilandzic from the Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers Research Group at Hudson Institute investigates the deadliest ovarian cancer cells
  • Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School raise ovarian cancer funds

    A group of 26 students from Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School have fundraised to create the school’s inaugural Early Career Ovarian Cancer Research Travel Award, which has been awarded to Hudson Institute’s own Dr Amy Wilson.…  Read more

    Students & winner display the Early Career Ovarian Cancer Research Travel Award
  • Recognition for distinguished career in reproductive biology

    Reproductive health research leader Professor Jock Findlay AO has been elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (AAHMS), acknowledging his significant achievements in reproductive health research.…  Read more

    Professor Jock Findlay - Reproductive Researcher at Hudson Institute
  • Funding to combat deadly ovarian cancer

    Dr Bilandzic, an ovarian cancer researcher, has been awarded $700,000 for research into deadly ovarian cancer cells called ‘leader cells’, which can survive and even thrive in response to cancer treatment. …  Read more

    Dr Maree Bilandzic from the Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers Research Group at Hudson Institute investigates the deadliest ovarian cancer cells
  • 2019 IMPACT Philanthropy – Perpetual

    Two Hudson Institute researchers, Dr Jun Yang and Dr Maree Bilandzic have been successful in the 2019 IMPACT Philanthropy program, from Perpetual, which are awarded to organisations based on their strategy, outcomes, capability and leaderships.…  Read more

    Dr Maree Bilandzic and Dr Jun Yang at Hudson Institute of Medical Research
  • Fighting ovarian cancer at the front line

    Ovarian cancer is responsible for more deaths than any other gynaecological disease, yet it’s known as the ‘silent killer’, due to an absence of symptoms and a devastatingly low survival rate of less than 50 per cent. Our leading ovarian cancer researchers are progressing solutions to help these women – thanks to support from the…  Read more

    Dr Maree Bilandzic from the Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers Research Group at Hudson Institute - White Shirt Campaign
  • One-two punch could knock out rare ovarian cancer

    A double-barrelled, non-surgical method to treat a rare type of ovarian cancer may provide hope for many patients.…  Read more

    Dr Simon Chu from the Hormone Cancer Therapeutics Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Ovarian Cancer Research Symposium

    Ovarian cancer research leaders from across Australia met at Hudson Institute of Medical Research on Thursday, 15 November, for a new research symposium focused on progressing solutions to the disease.…  Read more

    The Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF) hosted the inaugural Ovarian Cancer Research Symposium at Hudson Institute..
  • Genetic mutation linked to ‘aggressive’ hormone-driven ovarian cancer

    A new study has identified a genetic mutation that could be linked to an aggressive type of ovarian cancer driven by hormones. A team of scientists at Hudson Institute of Medical Research, with collaborators at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the University of Western Australia, used large-scale genome sequencing to map the tumour genome…  Read more

    A new study has identified a genetic mutation that could be linked to an aggressive type of ovarian cancer driven by hormones.
  • Ovarian cancer screening test underway for 300 patients

    A clinical trial of a screening test developed by Hudson Institute scientist, Dr Andrew Stephens to detect ovarian cancer in its early stages is about to start in a large group of Victorian and South Australian women, thanks to funding from the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF). About 300 women will be recruited to the…  Read more

    Dr Andrew Stephens and Dr Simon at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research
  • Hudson Institute, SCS PhD students excel in Faculty 3MT Final

    Hudson Institute and School of Clinical Sciences PhD student, Aidan Kashyap has taken out second prize in Monash University’s Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition. Aidan’s research is finding therapies to help babies who struggle to breathe in their first moments of life due to underdeveloped lungs, as a…  Read more

  • Towards an early detection test for ovarian cancer

    The Active Ratio Test represents an exciting step forward in innovative ovarian cancer research. Should it be successful, a test as simple as taking a swab or blood sample will result in the early detection of ovarian cancer in women who otherwise exhibit no symptoms. Vague and misleading symptoms, combined with the need for invasive…  Read more

    Dr Maree Bilandzic from the Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Lifesaving ‘off-the-shelf’ cancer tracking immunotherapies underway

    ‘Off-the-shelf’ immunotherapies to fight aggressive forms of cancer, including relapsed ovarian and gastric cancers, are being developed in Clayton, Melbourne, thanks to almost $3 million in Federal Government funding awarded to lead participant Cartherics Pty Ltd. Hudson Institute of Medical Research and Monash University researchers are partnering with industry leaders in cell therapies to develop…  Read more

    Professor Alan Trounson
  • Hope for ovarian cancer treatments

    Precision medicine is providing new hope for patients with ovarian cancer, the most common cause of death from gynaecological cancers. Only 3 out of every 10 women diagnosed with advanced stage ovarian cancer will survive after five years. These statistics haven’t improved in 30 years, but precision medicine approaches are opening up new possibilities. While…  Read more

    Dr Andrew Stephens from the Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Hudson Institute enters into research alliance with Invion Limited

    Hudson Institute has entered into a Research and Development Alliance Agreement with Invion Limited to provide key scientific assessment of Invion’s cancer treatment technology, Photosoft. The collaboration will initially focus on the treatment of ovarian cancer, with a view to expanding research and development projects into other forms of cancer. Hudson Institute will provide the…  Read more

  • Dr Sue Fowler Scholarship in Ovarian Cancer awarded to Mrs Nazanin Karimnia

    The inaugural Dr Sue Fowler Scholarship in Ovarian Cancer has been awarded to PhD student, Mrs Nazanin Karimnia to support her research into new ovarian cancer therapies. The scholarship was established in honour of the late Dr Sue Fowler, to support a Hudson Institute PhD student undertaking research into ovarian cancer. There is an urgent…  Read more

  • 2018 Fielding Foundation Fellowship and Innovation Award announced

    Hudson Institute’s brightest scientific minds and most promising discoveries will be progressed, thanks to support from a leading philanthropist, Mr Peter Fielding and the Fielding Foundation. The 2018 Fielding Innovation Award has been awarded to Dr Maree Bilandzic to develop more effective treatments for women with ovarian cancer. The 2018 Fielding Foundation Fellowship has been…  Read more

  • OCRF grants bring ovarian cancer early detection test closer

    Scientists at Hudson Institute are closer to developing an early detection test for ovarian cancer and better therapies to treat the disease, thanks to new research funding. The Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF) has generously announced $1.4 million in grants, including funding for research projects at Hudson Institute and a grant to maintain a vital…  Read more

  • Key differences in tumours could help tackle ovarian cancer recurrence

    A new study by Hudson Institute of Medical Research and Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Institute scientists has uncovered important differences between pre- and post- chemotherapy ovarian cancer tumours that may be used to better tackle chemotherapy resistance.…  Read more

  • OCRF-funded projects to improve early detection, therapies for ovarian cancer

    Hudson Institute researchers Dr Simon Chu and Dr Andrew Stephens have been awarded grants totalling more than $700,000 over three years by the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF),  to support ongoing work to improve early-stage tumour detection and to develop better therapies for women with ovarian cancer.…  Read more

    Dr Andrew Stephens and Dr Simon at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research researching therapies for ovarian cancer