Beth Piscopo is a member of the Neurodevelopment and Neuroprotection Research group in The Ritchie Centre.

Learn more about my group's research

Beth Piscopo Profile

Areas of interest

Birth asphyxia Cerebral Palsy Fetal growth restriction (FGR) Preterm birth

Research group

Neurodevelopment and Neuroprotection

Beth Piscopo Profile

Beth Piscopo


PhD student

Research Centre:

The Ritchie Centre

Area of study:

Developmental Neuroscience and Neurovasculature

Year of enrolment:


What is your research about and what do you hope to achieve?

My research is investigating the neurovasculature (blood vessels within the brain) in preterm babies diagnosed with Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR) during pregnancy. I am particularly interested in the neurological outcomes which these babies may be predisposed to as a result of pregnancy complications.