Inflammation and cancer

Inflammatory cells

Inflammation and cancer

You are alive because of inflammation. It is your body’s natural response to infection or injury. In normal circumstances, inflammation eliminates foreign invaders (bacteria or viruses), damaged cells to heal wounds within hours or days.

However, this life-saving friend can also turn to foe. Chronic inflammation is linked to more than 50 per cent of all deaths worldwide and at least one in five cancers.

Inflammation – good or bad?

How does inflammation contribute to cancer?

What causes chronic inflammation?

Our research in inflammation and cancer

Hudson Institute scientists are studying how chronic inflammation contributes to the emergence of some deadly cancers, including lung and stomach cancer.

By identifying the mechanisms of our immune system that drive inflammation and cancer, we can better understand how inflammation is involved in tumour formation and growth. This knowledge will aid in the development of inflammation-targeting drugs that fight cancer progression and alleviate disease.

Boosting IL-18 to defeat cancer

Professor Seth Masters researching Childhood lupusThe immune system has the ability to defeat cancer, but often needs to be turned up to work effectively. One immune protein that can work well is called IL-18, but is not very active in most types of cancer. Professor Master’s team has designed a product that increases IL-18 activity and is looking to turn this into an anti-cancer therapy.

Lead researcher | Professor Seth Masters

Closing in on ovarian cancer therapy

RNA therapeutics for immunotherapy

Inflammation in cancer cells

Immune responses that dictate metastatic spread in breast cancer

A new therapeutic target for Helicobacter pylori-induced stomach cancer

Bacterial vesicles impact host cell functions and modulate inflammation

Illuminating the roles of STAT3 in health and disease

Inflammation and cancer collaborators

Support for people with inflammation and cancer

Hudson Institute scientists do not provide medical advice.
Find out more about inflammation and cancer.

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