Found 41 news articles for endometriosis

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  • Hudson News Winter 2022

    …Gargett: women’s health 5 May 2022 Dr Caitlin Filby – endometriosis detection 5 May 2022 Firefighters Charity Fund supports BRCA1 research 5 May 2022 Endometriosis Community share messages of hope……  Read more

    Professor Elizabeth Hartland
  • Hudson News Winter 2024: Director’s message

    …frequently excluded from clinical trials) and less likely to have their pain taken seriously. In this issue Endometriosis advocates: two women, one goal Endometriosis biobank tackles diagnosis and treatment Inner……  Read more

    Professor Elizabeth Hartland, Director and CEO of Hudson Institute
  • Congratulations to our CASS Foundation grant awardees

    …the patient and health network. Learn more about Endocrine hypertension Moving one step closer to a cure for endometriosis Dr Fiona Cousins Amount: $58,000 Endometriosis is a chronic disorder that……  Read more

    2020 Successful CASS Foundation Grants applicants
  • Big ideas attract big funding

    …of endometriosis. The team will investigate whether IFNε can be used as an innovative treatment for endometriosis.   Targeting pyroptosis to limit the severity of influenza virus infections Associate Professor……  Read more

    Hudson Institute researchers have featured prominently among the latest recipients of 2022 NHMRC Ideas Grants.
  • Professor Caroline Gargett: women’s health

    Whether it’s working to help women living with the crippling effects of pelvic organ prolapse (POP), end the pain of endometriosis, or even developing new methods of vaginal reconstruction, women’s……  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett's research is helping women live with the crippling effects of pelvic organ prolapse (POP).
  • Researchers awarded Ferring Innovation Grants

    …how menstrual fragments can form lesions in the peritoneal cavity of women with endometriosis. “The long-term goal of my research is to develop a new, therapeutic for endometriosis. Therefore, reducing……  Read more

    Dr Fiona Cousins from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Caroline Gargett receives academic promotion to Professor

    …solutions for ‘silent’ women’s health conditions, including pelvic organ prolapse and endometriosis. “This promotion reflects my group’s contributions to our research efforts and they should be applauded as well. Research……  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • NHMRC Investigator Grant success

    …role of endometrial stem cells in endometriosis and examines how endometrial mesenchymal stem cells can be used as a therapy for pelvic organ prolapse. Learn more about Endometriosis Interventional immunology……  Read more

    Successful researchers - New NHMRC Investigator Grant round
  • Looks like a mouse, acts like a mouse … menstruates like a human

    …translated to humans. This could significantly advance research in women’s reproductive health and help us to understand menstrual disorders such as endometriosis and abnormal uterine bleeding.” Diseases we research Endometriosis…  Read more

    The spiny mouse could be key to understanding why some women develop endometriosis and exceptionally heavy, painful periods.
  • 2018 Fielding Foundation Fellowship and Innovation Award announced

    …as endometriosis, as well as the impact of metabolic disorders, such as obesity, on fertility and pregnancy. “The Fielding Fellowship is critical in helping me to both develop my career……  Read more