33 related news articles for

  • Hudson News Winter 2024: Director’s message

    Every day we are reminded that women’s health conditions don’t receive the funding or priority in medical research that they should. Women are more likely to die from a heart attack, twice as likely to have a hip replacement fail (prosthetic hips have been developed for the male body), more likely to be over medicated (women are frequently excluded from clinical trials) and less likely to have their pain taken seriously.…  Read more

    Professor Elizabeth Hartland, Director and CEO of Hudson Institute
  • Endometriosis advocates: two women, one goal

    Like most endometriosis sufferers, Maddy Forster went from knowing very little about the disease to being something of an expert, but it was a process that took years and included many wrong turns along the way.…  Read more

  • Endometriosis diagnosis could be all in the blood

    Professor Caroline Gargett has spent decades working to address the two major issues presented by endometriosis: earlier diagnosis and better treatment.…  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett in the lab
  • Endometriosis research gets a double funding boost

    Hudson Institute post-doctoral researcher Dr Shanti Gurung and her team are celebrating a double boost of funding for their work on endometriosis.…  Read more

    Shanti Gurung Endometriosis Researcher
  • Hudson Institute’s 2023 Emerging Leaders

    Six of the best early career researchers have been chosen to take part in the Hudson Institute 2023 Emerging Leaders Program. …  Read more

    L-R: Dr Sarah Moody, Dr Nicole Campbell, Dr Rukmali Wijayarathna, Dr Harriet Fitzgerald, Dr Caroline Skene and Dr Emily Gulliver
  • Endometriosis research in focus on the airwaves

    Hudson Institute’s endometriosis research was in focus on Melbourne radio over the weekend, as long-running science program Einstein A-Go-Go devoted its whole hour to the disease.…  Read more

    Dr Fiona Cousins, Endometriosis RRR broadcast
  • Helping women with endometriosis

    Some scientific discoveries have the power to prevent years of pain and suffering. Professor Caroline Gargett and her team are within reach of making that dream a reality for millions of women.…  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett Dr Caitlin Filby and endometriosis patient Nicole Fernley at Hudson Institute
  • Hudson News Winter 2022

    Welcome to Hudson News Winter 2022. As I write this, Mother’s Day is fast approaching and we look forward to celebrating and honouring our mothers as well as motherhood in all its forms.…  Read more

    Professor Elizabeth Hartland
  • Professor Caroline Gargett – women’s health

    Whether it’s working to help women living with the crippling effects of pelvic organ prolapse (POP), end the pain of endometriosis, or even developing new methods of vaginal reconstruction, Professor Gargett is at the forefront.…  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett's research is helping women live with the crippling effects of pelvic organ prolapse (POP).
  • Dr Caitlin Filby – endometriosis detection

    The ultimate goal of this research is to find a safe, reliable and early method of detection that avoids the need for surgery.…  Read more

    Dr Caitlin Filby, tackling endometriosis on two fronts.
  • Endometriosis Community share messages of hope  

    When members of our endometriosis community responded to our request for stories at the start of this year, common themes of pain, frustration, doctors not taking them seriously and long journeys to diagnosis were all present.…  Read more

  • Million-dollar prize for team developing new vaginal reconstruction biomaterials

    An international team developing new technologies for vaginal reconstruction has been awarded a prestigious million-dollar prize.…  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett, part of an international team developing new technologies for vaginal reconstruction receive the 2021 Magee Prize
  • Menstrual fluid – new endometriosis hope

    There’s new hope for tens of thousands of Australian women, with researchers making a crucial discovery in the battle to detect endometriosis.…  Read more

    Dr Caitlyn Filby and Katherine Wyatt from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Researchers closer to finding the cause of endometriosis

    condition that affects about one in 10 women of reproductive age and more than 730,000 in Australia, after making a world-first discovery of the role endometrial stem/progenitor cells in the disease.…  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Nicole’s story: from undiagnosed pain to endometriosis

    It took 20 years for Nicole Fernley to be diagnosed with endometriosis, a condition which affects one in nine women. This is her story, in her words.…  Read more

    Endometriosis sufferer Nicole Fernley
  • Bridget’s endometriosis story – diagnosis provides answers

    About 176 million women worldwide have endometriosis. Professor Caroline Gargett has long known the debilitating impacts of this disease on women—and has dedicated a significant portion of her career to investigating its cause.…  Read more

    Bridget Hustwaite, Endometriosis Australia Ambassador and Triple J broadcaster shares her endometriosis story with Hudson Institute
  • Congratulations to our CASS Foundation grant awardees

    Five Hudson Institute researchers have been awarded one-year Medicine/Science grants totalling nearly $300,000 by The CASS Foundation, to advance their research projects into mitochondrially-driven cancers, ovarian cancer, Parkinson’s disease, primary aldosteronism and endometriosis in 2020.…  Read more

    2020 Successful CASS Foundation Grants applicants
  • Lifetime achievement award for reproductive health research

    Women’s reproductive health expert Professor Lois Salamonsen has been awarded a prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award, acknowledging her extensive contributions to human health and wellbeing.…  Read more

  • US$2.07 million awarded to tackle endometriosis

    Professor Caroline Gargett and collaborators at the University of Queensland and Monash IVF have been awarded a three-year US$2.07 million (AU$3.05 million) grant to determine the cause of endometriosis and the physiological processes associated with the disease.…  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett with research collaborators have been awarded a grant to determine the cause of endometriosis
  • NHMRC Investigator Grant success

    Hudson Institute is delighted to announce the success of our researchers in the new NHMRC Investigator Grant round.…  Read more

    Successful researchers - New NHMRC Investigator Grant round
  • Research uncovers clues to cause of endometriosis

    Scientists are one step closer to understanding the cause of the debilitating condition endometriosis, following the completion of a study into cells found in the lining of the womb called the endometrium. In the study, published in the journal Human Reproduction, Professor Caroline Gargett and her team sought to determine whether regenerative cells called endometrial…  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Review highlights dedication to improving reproductive health

    As part of a series on influential women in reproductive health, Professor Lois Salamonsen, Australian Academy of Science Fellow and former Head of our Centre for Reproductive Health, was invited by the journal Reproduction to write a review – My Womban’s Life: Understanding Human Endometrial Function. For more than 35 years, Prof Salamonsen has dedicated…  Read more

    For more than 35 years, Prof Salamonsen has dedicated her career to improving reproductive health in women.
  • Researchers awarded Ferring Innovation Grants

    Two Hudson Institute researchers have been awarded 2018-19 Ferring Innovation Grants. Dr Fiona Cousins and Dr Tracey Edgell were named among eight international researchers, with this year’s program focused on reproductive medicine, women’s health and more. The grants attracted a record number of applications, with those selected considered to be at the cutting edge of…  Read more

    Dr Fiona Cousins from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Looks like a mouse, acts like a mouse … menstruates like a human

    A species of desert mouse has a menstrual cycle that is more similar to women than previously thought, according to a new study by Hudson Institute of Medical Research scientists. The spiny mouse could be key to understanding why some women develop endometriosis and exceptionally heavy, painful periods. The findings of the study by Dr…  Read more

    The spiny mouse could be key to understanding why some women develop endometriosis and exceptionally heavy, painful periods.
  • Kat’s story | endometriosis

    For years, Kat was told by doctors she might never have children due to severe endometriosis. Now, the mother of twin girls, she wants to create more awareness, so that other women – and her daughters – don’t suffer.…  Read more

    Endometriosis case study, Kat, pictured on the balcony with her husband and children.
  • Jasmine’s story

    Jasmine started experiencing severe period pain as a teenager and endured five years of pain before she was diagnosed with endometriosis. Her journey continues.…  Read more

    Endometriosis case study, Jasmine enjoying the sunshine in a park
  • Evelyn’s story | infiltrating bowel endometriosis

    ‘Invisible illness’ took years of pain and a trip to the emergency ward before diagnosis. It wasn’t until Evelyn’s debilitating symptoms started to impact her daily life that she sought help – but that was only the beginning of her journey.…  Read more

    Endometriosis Case Study Evelyn
  • Bianca’s story: from silent endometriosis to advocate

    Bianca had the worst case of endometriosis her doctors said they had seen. Yet, she had no pelvic pain and was only diagnosed after experiencing infertility. She now wants to raise awareness so that other women don’t suffer.…  Read more

    Bianca Endometriosis Sufferer
  • 2018 Fielding Foundation Fellowship and Innovation Award announced

    Hudson Institute’s brightest scientific minds and most promising discoveries will be progressed, thanks to support from a leading philanthropist, Mr Peter Fielding and the Fielding Foundation. The 2018 Fielding Innovation Award has been awarded to Dr Maree Bilandzic to develop more effective treatments for women with ovarian cancer. The 2018 Fielding Foundation Fellowship has been…  Read more

  • Stem cell breakthrough advances endometriosis research

    Research into women’s health conditions like endometriosis and adenomyosis will now be accelerated, thanks to the world-first discovery of an identifying marker for a type of adult stem cell in the lining of a woman’s womb, or uterus, by a team of Melbourne scientists. The breakthrough is significant for the study of endometriosis, a condition…  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Progressing solutions for endometriosis

    Approximately one in 10 Australian women and many teenage girls live with a ‘silent’ yet potentially debilitating condition, endometriosis. Endometriosis can affect a woman’s physical and mental health, impacting on their ability to work and study, as well as disrupting family life and personal relationships. Head of the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology laboratory at Hudson…  Read more

    Symptoms of endometriosis can include pelvic pain, bowel problems, nausea & pain during sex. Around a third of women experience infertility.
  • Caroline Gargett receives academic promotion to Professor

    Renowned stem cell scientist Caroline Gargett has received an academic promotion to Professor from Monash University. Prof Gargett is an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow and heads the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology laboratory in The Ritchie Centre at Hudson Institute. Prof Gargett says she is honoured to receive a promotion for her work which investigates underlying…  Read more

    Professor Caroline Gargett from the Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research Group at Hudson Institute
  • Shining the light on ‘silent’ women’s health conditions

    Women’s health and endometriosis experts from across Australia and the world are gathering in Melbourne in October to share cutting-edge research and bring a ‘silent’ women’s health condition to the fore. Hudson Institute of Medical Research and its women’s and baby health hub, The Ritchie Centre, are hosting a free public forum ‘Endometriosis – Moving…  Read more

    Endometriosis logo