2021 NHMRC Ideas Grants success
By Hudson Institute communications
Hudson Institute has again been recognised in the awarding of NHMRC Ideas Grants to progress understanding to stomach lymphoma resulting from a Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection and improving respiratory support for preterm infants at birth.
These grants support innovative and creative research and build on Australia’s strong skills and international reputation in advanced health and medical research. Victoria once again received the lion’s share of grant funding, accounting for more than 41 per cent of the total.
Hudson Institute congratulates Professor Richard Ferrero and Professor Stuart Hooper for being among this year’s recipients.

Defining a protective role for NLRC5 signalling in Helicobacter pylori disease
Professor Richard Ferrero
Helicobacter pylori infects the stomachs of half the world’s population and is a major cause of human disease. The body fights H. pylori infection by mobilising white blood cells to the stomach lining, but these responses can lead to lymphoma. Professor Ferrero has identified a host protein, NLRC5, as being important in the generation of immune responses that protect against the development of this disease. The project will determine how NLRC5 protects against stomach lymphoma due to H. pylori infection.

Improving respiratory support for preterm infants at birth
Professor Stuart Hooper
In Australia, 92 per cent of babies born very preterm need help to breathe at birth, which can injure their lungs and brains. While providing respiratory support with a face mask is the gentlest approach, it often fails because a baby’s vocal cords reflexly close if they stop breathing, which prevents air from entering their lungs. Professor Hooper’s research focuses on helping these babies breathe at birth to improve the success of providing gentle respiratory support.
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