Jamia Hemphill is a member of the Microbiota and Systems Biology Research group in the Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases.

Areas of interest
Antimicrobial resistance COVID-19 Gastroenteritis Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Microbiome in health and disease
Research group
Microbiota and Systems Biology
Jamia Hemphill is a PhD student in the Microbiota and Systems Biology lab, investigating antimicrobial activity in bacterial members of the human gastrointestinal microbiome. Her project aims to identify novel antimicrobial compounds produced by the microbiota of the gut, and understand their role in microbiota communities and their interactions with the host tissues. Jamia undertook a Bachelor of Science at Monash University, majoring in Microbiology, and joined the Microbiota and Systems Biology lab in 2020 as an undergraduate Research in Action student. She then completed her honours year in 2021, working on the same project she has continued into her PhD.